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Member-only story

Denial is a river in Egypt

Leanne Gordon


So goes the joke between my old University buddy and I.

Many a time, faced with an impossible to-do list, we contemplate buying that ticket to Denial. “It’s sunny there today” she will say. “And my phone won’t ring there”, I will add. At those times when work feels way … too … hard … , escaping seems like the perfect option.

This is a physiological response: our body’s fight or flight system in action. The “danger” being the bombardment of competing work (and life) priorities. The pressure builds up inside of us. The response being to either go and have that tough conversation with your colleague, or ….. run away and hide.

Some days, sunning yourself on the banks of Denial feels like the best place to be.

I am amazed at how often the act of having this conversation about heading off to Denial is the impetus for action. It may only be 5 minutes away from the problem at hand, yet this virtual chat where we share empathy and humour over a long-standing joke is like the release of a pressure valve. Once released, the stress and overwhelm disappear and the task no longer seems impossible.

The days on which I take a quick, imaginary trip to Denial often turn out to be the most productive of days. It helps me change the way I look at the to-do list. At these moments, I choose ‘fight’ not ‘flight’.



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