Member-only story
We can all create
And we must
Are you creative?
The usual answer I get when I ask this question of a coaching client, or in a workshop, is “No, I’m not good at drawing or painting”.
For some reason, many people associate creativity solely with creating art. Art, by a definition that is so narrow that it only includes things like drawing or painting.
Seth Godin defines art differently:
Art is the work of a human, an individual seeking to make a statement, to cause a reaction, to connect. Art is something new, every time, and art might not work, precisely because it’s new, because it’s human and because it seeks to connect.
By this definition, each of us is a potential artist. Each of us has the ability to be creative. Each of us can create something.
What stops us?
Perhaps our mindset. The “I’m not creative” narrative that runs through our head. We can be limited by the way in which we define what creativity is, and what it means to create something.
Perhaps our habits. It’s much easier to be a consumer of other people’s work. With the 24/7 of social media, or the availability of streaming music/tv/movies, or the fast food/eating out/ubering in culture, we can be lulled into everyday consumption habits.