So we start the year full of resolutions; new goals; new habits. Tick. It’s now the third week of January, work is back in full steam, and holidays are a distant memory. The change we want to make is getting harder.
It’s okay to admit this. To say it out loud, even to say it to another person.
I want to go to the gym more in 2019 BUT I haven’t been once yet.
I was going to declutter over the holidays BUT I only got as far as the wardrobe before going back to work
I plan on putting a proposal to my boss about changing my role this year BUT I keep avoiding it
any one of a gazillion other examples of goals, new habits or changes we want to make.
For me, it is re-organising my office. Towards the end of last year, my office became a dumping ground for things I needed to ‘sort out’ and books … lots of new books. What might seem like an admin or tidying up exercise actually means more to me. This project is about setting my workspace up to be a high energy space for my writing, thinking, and creating. It is also going to be the scene for a new video based series. This project gives me the opportunity to do some strategic thinking about what I’ve been working on, what ideas and…